Annual Report2020

Consolidated balance sheet

Figures in CHF thousand














6, 7



Intangible assets




Property, plant and equipment




Deferred charges




Deferred income tax assets1








Cash and cash equivalents




Total assets








Liabilities and equity




Organisation capital




Capital reserves




Retained earnings




Consolidated earnings




Non-controlling interest








Net technical provisions




Non-technical provisions




Provision for investment risk




Deferred credits




Deferred income tax liabilities1












Total liabilities and equity





The deferred income tax rate of 18.4 % and 18.8 % (2019: 21.5 % and 0.31 % for companies with a participation deduction) corresponds to the expected tax rate for earnings before taxes.

Real estate

Real estate includes both investment properties and owner-occupied properties, and is recognised in the balance sheet at current market value. Market values are estimated at least once every three years by an independent consulting firm. The values are determined using the discounted cash flow method or another recognised method during the intervening years.

Bonds and bond funds

Fixed-income securities are recognised in the balance sheet using the amortised cost method if the debtor is able to pay the interest and amortisation payments. Periodic changes in the carrying amount are recognised in the income statement. If there are justified doubts about the debtor’s ability to pay interest and amortisation payments, fixed-income securities are recognised in the balance sheet at their current value. Investments in similar securities without a fixed term (e.g. bond funds) or without a defined redemption price are reported at their market value.


Equities include equity securities such as stocks and similar securities. Such assets are marketable and are valued at market price. Periodic changes in the carrying amount are recognised in the income statement. Any impairments are booked accordingly.

Collective investment schemes

Collective investment schemes (equity funds, alternative investments, real estate funds, etc.) are reported as a separate item. They are measured at current value. Periodic changes in the carrying amount are recognised in the income statement.

Currency futures

Derivatives include foreign exchange and option contracts, certificates on equity indices and futures. Forward exchange transactions are used to hedge exchange rate and market price fluctuations and are measured at market value.

Investments in other companies

These include investments in companies that are held for strategic purposes. These investments are measured using the last known pro rata equity (equity method) or are valued at cost.

Loans and mortgages

Loans and mortgages are stated in the balance sheet at nominal value less any necessary write-downs.

Assets from employer contribution reserve

Assets from the employer contribution reserve are, provided they are not subject to a waiver of usage, recognised in the balance sheet at their nominal value and deducted from staff costs accordingly if they are used. The value is reviewed annually and, if necessary, the item is written down.

Collateral for own liabilities as well as assets under reservation of ownership

All investments and cash holdings of the KVG, VVG and UVG segments, with the exception of shareholdings, loans and mortgages as well as assets from the employer contribution reserves, are reported as tied assets.

Intangible assets

With intangible assets, a distinction is drawn between purchased software and projects. The latter are amortised on a straight-line basis over the course of their useful life. With purchased software, amounts below CHF 5,000 are expensed.

Projects are generally amortised over a period of five years from launch, up to a maximum of ten years in justified cases. They must provide a benefit over several years. At maximum, they are measured at cost of acquisition or production. These costs must be measurable and allocable to the project. Projects may only be capitalised if they are strategic in nature or involve an investment in excess of CHF 3 million.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the course of their useful life. For fixtures and fittings, acquisitions and collective acquisitions for amounts of more than CHF 5,000 can be capitalised. Amounts below this limit are expensed.

Useful life for each asset category:

  • Five years for fixtures and fittings
  • Three years for IT hardware
  • Three years for vehicles

The value is reviewed annually and the item is written down accordingly.

Deferred charges

This item includes expenses during the reporting year that are deducted as an expense in the following financial year, and income that only leads to revenue in the following financial year.


Receivables due from third parties, such as policyholders, insurance organisations, agents and brokers, cantons and other parties, are measured at nominal value. The security is determined on the basis of the maturity structure and recognisable credit risks. In addition to individual write-downs for specific known receivable risks, impairments are formed using statistical information about the risk of default. The calculation of the necessary value adjustments also includes the type of receivable (private customer, corporate customer, co-payment) in addition to the maturity structure. The assumptions are based on historical figures from previous years. Assuming the losses on accounts remain constant as in previous years, an allowance for doubtful receivables is made for the unpaid receivables of up to 180 days with a rate of 0.25 per cent. For older receivables, the effects of Art. 64a KVG (depending on the canton) are included in the calculation of the allowance for doubtful receivables of the KVG companies. The totals of the receivables are included in the ratio of the debt collection proceedings initiated to the resulting certificates of debt.

The receivables due from affiliates are measured at nominal value, taking account of operationally necessary impairments.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand as well as postal and bank account balances. Cash and cash equivalents are measured at nominal value. Any impairments are booked accordingly.

Net technical provisions

The item for net technical provisions includes provisions for claims and benefits, actuarial reserves, provisions for profit sharing, technical equalisation reserves and provisions for guarantees as well as other technical provisions. Provisions for claims and benefits are calculated according to actuarial methods recognised by the supervisory authorities (e.g. chain ladder). In doing so, the following parameters are taken into account for the year of occurrence and the year of processing:

  • First year of treatment versus payment year for care benefits
  • First year of event versus payment year for daily benefits

The reserves for annuities are calculated according to the accounting principles pursuant to Art. 108 UVV. The calculation is based on the annuity without cost of living bonuses. For ceded co-insurance, we assume our portion of the individual actuarial reserve as reported by the company that carries it.

For group sickness benefits, provisions for profit sharing are formed for contracts that include agreements on profit sharing. They are calculated as the expected value of the profit share paid out after the reporting date for contracts for profit sharing that are in effect through the reporting date. The estimate of provisions for profit sharing takes account of the active portfolio and the empirical claims experience as at the reporting date.

The equalisation reserves and provisions for guarantees protect the capital base against the effects of unusual fluctuations in the technical result. They are endowed in accordance with the technical result. The maximum amount results from the difference between the expected shortfall and the level α and the expected value. α is 95 per cent for long-term care insurance. For the other product groups, α is set at 90 per cent. The lower limit is zero.

The other technical provisions include additional actuarial provisions that are measured according to the applicable and approved business plan.

Non-technical provisions

If an outflow of funds is probable, a corresponding provision is raised for legal and actual obligations on an event in the past. The amount is determined by analysing the relevant past result and the economic risk. If time has a significant impact, the provision requirement must be discounted. The provisions are revalued annually.

Provision for investment risk

The provisions for investment risk map the long-term volatilities of the capital market. The provisions are based on the total portfolio and are reviewed annually. The target provisions and the range for investment risk are calculated according to an analytical model (normal distribution) on the basis of sensitivities in the investments.

  • the lower range with a security level of 99.0 per cent
  • the target provision with the security level defined internally by Helsana of 99.5 per cent (KVG companies) and 99.75 per cent (other companies) in line with the risk appetite approved by the Board of Directors
  • the upper range with a security level of 99.9 per cent

If the investments during the reporting period experience above-average losses in value, the provisions for investment risk can also be liquidated in the income statement, either in full or in part. If the values of the investments increase by more than the average during the reporting period, the provisions for investment risk can also be increased in full or in part to the target value in the income statement.

Deferred credits

This item includes deferred income during the reporting year that is credited as income in the following financial year, and expenses for the reporting year that are only paid the following financial year.


This item mainly includes obligations to policyholders or service providers as well as premiums billed in advance. Loans due are also recognised in this item. The liabilities are recognised in the balance sheet at their nominal amount.